Yoga is well known as it merges the mental meditation, physical yoga practices, and breathing exercises in order to strengthen the muscles and reduce the stress. The Physical yoga practice consists of gentle movements, long stretches, and a deep relaxation of body and mind. Yogic breathing exercises have been in practice in Hindu and Yogic traditions for thousands of years but are often left out in modern yoga classes. Yogic breathing can help you achieve a calm state of being and relieve stress.
Yoga breathing and meditation are increasing their popularity due to the stress filled and health conscious among the people all over the world. When you are thinking of starting yoga routine, then you need to know that yoga incorporates poses, meditation, and breathing exercises.
What Is Pranayama?
The term pranayama loosely translates to “life force control” and it refers to the various breathing exercises that are used to develop and enhance your natural breath capacity. It is also the term used to describe any breathing technique used to increase your energy and promote relaxation throughout your body. Unfortunately, pranayama is often misunderstood or poorly explained, which can lead to poor execution and a lack of results. If performed correctly, pranayama can strengthen your body, increase your circulation, and help you achieve greater balance and harmony during your yoga practice. Yogic breathing exercises help us to calm down, relax, and focus our mind. They are also really good for your health; you will reduce your blood pressure, reduce anxiety and stress, and lower your heart rate.
The Significance of Breathing Exercises in Yoga Practice
Basically, breathing is important for the human body in two ways: It helps in providing the required amount of oxygen to all parts of the body and also acts as a means of eliminating the waste products and toxins from the body.
The Sanskrit word for the breathing exercises of yoga is pranayama. It is one of the five principles of yoga, which provides good breathing. Just practicing good breathing can provide an instantaneous enhancement in your health and life.
Practicing good breathing is treated as an exercise without using energy and total relaxation without stress or pressure. In a yogic viewpoint, a good breathing is to provide more oxygen to the blood and to the brain, and also to control the essential life energy.
Breathing is the sustenance of our body and a connection between the universe and deeper resources within us. Beating those resources enhances the alertness of our mind and provides a fresh new way of life.
Today, in our busy lives, breathing is a way to renovate the balance of our body, nourish our minds, and relate us to our inner source. Deep breathing is used to aid control panic, anxiety attacks, and mental stress. It is been found that there is a relationship between breathing and mental health.
So, just take some time to sit, and practice breathing exercises regularly. It is best to take the time to practice deep breathing exercises, as it is the only thing that takes a little time to practice for our wellbeing.
In these days, breathing in short bursts; fast and shallow is very common. Our breathing is too shallow and too quick because we are not taking in sufficient or required amount of oxygen and are not eliminating sufficient carbon dioxide.
Today, people are in a hurry most of the time and there will be a stress of just living in today’s world. So, easily we are getting emotional, anxious, and angry towards simple things. That in turn causes to breathe shallow.
As we expend most of our time outdoors, there is an increased exposure of our bodies to pollution and automatically our body breathes shallower in order to protect itself from pollution. Also, with our lack of physical activities, there is an increased need for our body to take deep breaths.
Effects of Shallow Breathing
The effects of shallow breathing are several. Oxygen is the most important nutrient for our bodies and the production of energy in our body. It is essential for the integrity of our body parts. So, lack of oxygen will lead to a disability to resist diseases, as it is very essential to the health of our body cells.
The shallow breathing also has an effect on developing more and more diseases, catch more colds, and a big factor in cancer, heart disease, and strokes. So it is better to practice just a few breathing exercises to make your mind more alert when you don’t have sufficient time for a full yoga routine.
Benefits of Deep Breathing Exercises
Deep breathing exercises will provide the total relaxation of the body and mind. It also decreases the heart attack rate and the muscles get relax and regulate the brain function. That in turn lessens the anxiety and stress.
An important part of the meditation process of yoga is Pranayama. In order to meditate well, you need to practice breathing exercise to help focus on the life force of your body.
Regularly practicing breathing exercises of yoga will make your mind prepared to enjoy the peacefulness and the presence of god or godliness. So, breathe deeply and practice breathing exercises in your way to have a more peaceful and healthy lifestyle.