
Yoga is a mind-body system that is usually used to help with general health. Practicing yoga is a good way to lose weight and reduce stress. Yoga can be done at home, in a yoga studio, or at the gym. In our yoga section, we publish articles on specific posture tips for comfort, strength, flexibility, and muscle tone. We also highlight articles, reviews and talks in our yoga section to culitvate community and make the practice more accessible to all.

The Five Kleshas

The Five Kleshas: Causes of Suffering According to Yoga

Understood in each Buddhism and Hinduism as obstacles on the trail to enlightenment or Samadhi, the kleshas are regarded as ‘afflictions’ or damaging psychological states. Directly translated from Sanskrit as ‘poison’, they’re the assorted ‘toxins’ or poisons that trigger struggling by means of life. Overcoming the kleshas is assumed to result in the top of

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7 Crucial Factors to Consider Before Becoming a Yoga Teacher 6

7 Crucial Factors to Consider Before Becoming a Yoga Teacher

So you might have determined to develop into a yoga instructor and contemplating enrolling in a yoga instructor training program. But amidst this excitement, have you ever finished an in-depth analysis about being a yoga trainer or becoming a member of a Yoga teacher coaching program? It is vital to take some time considering your

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